Current Projects

Year after year HOSPICE Casa Sperantei, through the support of its financiers, runs annual or multi-year education, research, development/advocacy projects, develops new palliative services and ensures the continuity of free palliative care services for patients and their families. We thank them for this support and for their contribution to the development of palliative care in Romania and throughout the world so that more and more patients who struggle with pain can enjoy every moment of their lives, together with their families, through appropriate palliative care.

PALCommunity – Increasing access to palliative care services for beneficiaries in disadvantaged communities

PalHub – Multidisciplinary assistance center for cancer patients

PalHOPE – Acordarea serviciilor specializate de îngrijire paliativă la domiciliu pentru pacienți cu boli oncologice din Brașov

Vizitele Speranței – Providing specialized palliative care services at home for patients with oncological diseases in Brașov

PallSed – Palliative Sedation  (31 Dec 2023)

PalPlan – Building institutional capacity for the coordinated national development of palliative care and home care (28 Feb 2023)

RESPACC – Research for palliative care clinicians (28 Feb 2023)