Project Description
The PALcommunity project has the aim of ensuring the equitable access to palliative services for people having progressive chronic illnesses from rural and urban small underprivileged units.
The project benefits from a 2.091.652 Euro grant offered by Norway through Norwegian Grants through the Local Development Program (FRDS).
The time span of the program is between the 1st of July and the 31st of December, 2023.
Project Objectives
The PALcommunity project is meant to ensure equitable access to palliative services for people having progressive chronic illnesses from rural and urban underprivileged units.
The project aims the development and testing of an integrated palliative care services model in 105 rural and urban underprivileged small communities located in 6 counties and 5 development regions (Centre-Brasov, Alba, Soth-Giurgiu, Bucuresti-Ilfov-Ilfov, North- East- Bacău, North-West- Bihor) and meets both the needs identified at national level and the ones identified locally, through the local development strategies.
What we set out to do
- Development of a palliative services model integrated and coordinated in accordance with the legal provisions currently in force;
- Testing the integrated and coordinated palliative services model on a group of 1500 adult and children beneficiaries suffering from progressive chronic illnesses and on 1500 vulnerable families from rural and urban underprivileged small communities, throughout the program;
- Training 170 professionals involved in the caring of the beneficiaries and informing with regards to the palliative field the 170 actors who interact with the beneficiaries, throughout the program.
- Promoting the integrated and coordinated palliative services model for the adult and children beneficiaries suffering from progressive chronic illnesses in at least 100 local, county and national public institutions, for a period of 7 months.
HOSPICE Casa Speranței – project promoter
Asociația Lumina – Bacău
Asociația Hospice Eliana – Alba
Asociația Hospice Emanuel – Oradea

PALcommunity Benefits
Are patients of all ages, adult and children suffering from progressive chronic illnesses, suffering from uncontrolled symptoms, pshyco-emotional, social, spiritual problems, as well as their families, during the care period, including the mourning period.
Patients with basic and low complexity degree needs are patients with a moderate progressive chronic illness, who don’t have co-morbidities, and who have care takers in their families, with palliative caring needs manifested as moderate physical, pshyco-emotional or spiritual sufferings.
Patients with complex needs are patients with progressive chronic illnesses having one or several of the following characteristics: moderate/severe physical, pshyco-emotional or spiritual suffering; have no family or have major conflicts in the family; have multiple co-morbidities; have exceeded the primary/hospital care capacity, after an initial evaluation performed by the family doctor/specialist medical doctor.
For this category of patients, the HOSPICE Casa Speranței, Hospice Eliana, Lumina Association and Hospice Emanuel will provide specialized palliative care services at home, ambulatory services and in daycare centers.
The stage of the project implementation
- As part of the project, the mapping of the potential patients and the resources/support networks in the targeted communities (medical, social, community resources) was finalized through questionnaires which were sent to the specific town hall representatives form administrative-territorial units.
- The centralized results of the questionnaires applied in the targeted counties can be consulted here
- Currently, specialized palliative care services are rendered to the patients with complex needs which exceed the base competencies of the professionals from the targeted communities.
Material put together with the financial aid of the Norwegian Grants 2014-2021.
The content of this material (text, photographs, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, of the National Contact Point or of the Financial Mechanism Office.
The information and the expressed opinions are exclusively the responsibility of the authors.